Well that figures but the rest of the world is still in danger of the Danana group haha.Yeah I ment you are to kind to be in the evil group,but now you told me you are not kind and your friends ar enot evil,so you must be the evil Danana!
Lol maybe an indiferent Danana.
Like :
"Hi the group for rasta kids is asking for a donation"
Dannaana:Hummm that is indiferent for me :3.
Humm your state div sounds very hummm European haha!
What? My friends wouldn't do anything evil to me. They're my friends. Haha
I'm actually not that nice of a person lol. I think you'd just have to know me irl but you know? I hiiiighly doubt I'm kind haha.
A parish is like a state. You know how the US has states? And I think Canada has Providences? Yeah we have parishes.
Haha yeah but it would be so worht it XD.Well you know how evil girls can be at that age,I'm happy you skipped the evil age Danana ,you are to kind to go in .Wow you got to explain me what is a Parish ,never heard the word before.
Did the rastas conquered a part of Paris?
Sometimes I have certain friends to do certain stuff :3.
It works!
Hahah old fashion tanning,never gets to rusty .
Lmao they'd give me SUCH dirty looks.
I think the zoo in this other parish on the other side of the island is waaaay better than the one in my parish. So they'd be all "Nah let's go to that one." And never go haha
One day..
Yeah that's how we old fashioned people do it aha
Humm that's the classic anti zoo actitude!
Tell them to cosplay animals and go inside the cages haha.I wonder how that would work out XD.I can see you convicing them ,it's actually fun once you are inside.
Hummm well maybe but I'm a fast runner haha!
O wow ,it's like a slow motion tanning ,so you can see yourself turning tan :3.
Indeed good stuff!
Hasta Fari!
Last edited by AngelBest Dream at 3:46:34 PM CDT on June 21, 2011.
Yeah. But they're going to be all "What is there to do at that zoo anyway?" And I'm going to have to be "WE'LL FIND SOMETHING COME ON YOU GUUYYYSSSSS."
They will come. Hahaha
I'm sure if any rasta heard you right now they would smack you lol
If I ever turn red or get burned, my skin just turns brown a couple days later. It's good stuff haha.
Yeah artic!
Where is the adventure spirit Danana,you need to guide your friends into the adventure .Sinc eit's summer I always get into adventure mode.Lol well with that rasta hair it could take a bit for them to dry up,actually there should be a web page to tell how are rastas doing in their home land haha.
*You knwo witha bit of anime mood.
Yeah I went 5 times becuase once you go it's easier for your skin to get a tan.Before that I just turned red and then my skin would come of and then white again.
Yeah I know what you mean.
Tired of being in the house. I want to drag my friends to zoo one day.
Oh gosh I'm going to do it LOL. Hopefully next weekend.
Oh no. Lol. I'm sure the rastas are all dry now.
Really? You've tried a tanning bed?
I'm good with sitting in the sun. Did it today. It was good. Oh yes.
The sun was so hot but so nice. lmao
Hummm I thinking of going to one again soon,I just need a good party to travel you know.Kinda tired to be all day in the house ("not that I'm hare all the time,but in weekends I tend to you know live here).Hummm so the rastafaris are getting wet lately,how they dry up fats in the sun XD .
Humm well you could try a tanning bed but you must be carefull.I just used it like 5 times because it's risky to your health.
Oh wow really?
I'm DYING to go to a good zoo. With lots of animals.
I actually just want to go to the zoo. Our crappy zoo will suffice.
LOL I wouldn't go THAT close to him, to make him eat me.
What is a pint tan? You mean like a spray tan? No way man.
I like natural tans. If it stopped raining maybe I could get one lol
Hasta fari
Well I saw one in a zoo and it was sooo great.I stood looking at it for so long , agreat specie !Well in terms of a jaguar,a girl with cute hair ribbons I think you would look more like a decent meal Dannana XD.
Lol get a pint tan and then you be darker and you can say I'm now more Arab and stuff.Well maybe in the shape of the head you don't look that afar but in terms of the skin tone is all different XD.
A jaguar. I'd want to see a jaguar. Like in a zoo or something if I could. Or if I somehow stumble upon a jaguar in the wild. Cool.
Everytime you say jaguar I keep on thinking of the car though lol
Yeah it is lol. It's so annoying cuz I go outside and stuff sometimes and he's STILL darker than me.
Apparently we do. My friends tell me "Wow you guys look so different." Haha. But I don't think we look thaat different.
Actually the (pantera onca) is a partucular specie of the 12 panters classes .We call that latin panther or jaguar,the (pantera pardus) lives in Africa and is called leopard,but all are panthers if there is to say .
Sorry needed to get that out.
BTW the jaguar is the ebst panter because it lives where I live rolf !
Wow artic,you do have magic hair,I want some :3 .
It's weird you got white tone and your bro skin is drarker ,you must look very different even thou hes your bro.
Ahaha no, I didn't get the black hair and bronze tone. My brother did =__=
He's a bit darker than me and my hair is...I don't know what colour it is haha. It looks dark brown but in the sun it looks reddish and light brown and gold. Something like that. Weird hair.
But my brother so lucky got the bronzey-olive skin tone. Bawww
I like to think that with internet and good cameras you will be in close contact with your friends.Just going out will be the problem haha.
Well lions are fun ,kinda seen some of them and it's weird.I liked the jaguars and the pumas a lot more .There was a weird one in black that had like the ghost shading of a claer puma and it was just amazing.It's hard to exmplain but the texture awas there just in black.
Hummm you look that Arabic artic chan,you probably have black hair and a bit of bronce tone ,you would be surprised to know that in some places it's really exotic haha.
Well I think of a newer language to translate it artic chan :3.
Give me some days!
Yeah me too. One day this is all going to hit me and I'll be bawling like a baby lol
I don't look forward to that day ahaha
Yeah. I think so too. Thanks. :)
Haha. I want to see a real life lion.
Oh my gosh on my list I have one of my friends saying "Is curry goat sheep?" LOL When she said that we all diiiiied laughing.
Yeah they're having too much fun with it. One of my friends says it but it's getting a bit annoying. Like you're associating me with a terrorist. You know what I mean?
How can I pronounce that? I can't even read it! Ahaha
It's written in Hebrew. Lol. Titus it is.
Goodbyes are always hard for me -_- I just go and do something random haha XD .Well I think those good friends will always be there for you artic chan.
Most of the time I do a lion roar or things like that.Making weird sounds is just something to fun XD .Hummm that list think is a great idea ,I did that with one friend and it was sooo fun.Lol the leader thing was so fun XD.
Lol ok gona saty with Danananaaa
Hummm well it's on ancient hebrew, but if you can pronounce it there you go , תרצה
It goes for city of kings , she is my delight (but haves a male translation also) ,hummm then at the latin and greek language took other meanings.
Haha I know
This was some of my friend's last year here. 2 of my best friends too. They're leaving me lmao. But we had fun. If you ever see how much we laughed! Omg haha
Ahaha yeah we do too. I have one friend who makes all these noises. I even have a list of stupid things my friends say on my phone LOL Some funny stuff.
Haha yeah. Cuz I'm half Lebanese they make lots of jokes. When bin Laden died they were all "DANA YOUR LEADER!" And I'm like "HE'S NOT MY LEADER" lmao good times
Haha not really. But sometimes I make a sheep noise. Baah. I like sheep.
Lol, no prob with that.
Oooh reaallllyyyy? What is iittt? I'm so curious now. But I'll call you Titus. Reminds me of Tidus lol
It would be nice just to enjoy your time on that school part.It doens't return so get the best form it Artic chan XD .If I could go back to that time I would enjoy it 10 times more for sure :3.
I do play a buch of jokes with my friends,it's the best part.Sometimes I use my algel roar to scare poeple,jump over them ,trow things , make funny names, make wird stuff happen etc.So your group must be funny,I didn't knew you had so many arabic trains ,that's interesting :3.
Haha yeah it does,do you have a weird sound you make to bother ppl ?
Gona stay with Dananannana XD .
Humm my name is like 4000 years old so it's very hard to say,so call me titus that is very close XD.
I think it would be good advice if it wasn't here. If what I see on tv is somewhat true, schooling systems in like, USA and Canada are so slack!
I wouldn't be able to get away with lots of the stuff they do up there lol
Haha, I think we're friendly. But we 'diss' each other a lot. Just playing around. But you know? We make jokes out of each other. They always make Arab jokes about me LOL it's funny
Lmao young girls. You make it seem like we're 13 or 14 haha
Oh! LMFAO that's funny. I like it though. It like...rolls off your tongue ahaha
One of my friends calls me like that too! Danananaaaa. Or they say Daaaayyyneeerr. Haha.
What's your name now Angel? Since you know mine?
Haha well in sort some of way I could say it's a good advice.But really I want you to finish the school so don't do the dumb things I suggest haha XD.
That sounds very interesting,well I guess you are in the friendly group.Girl groupds are always a mystery for me.Kinda don't know what kind of logic follow the group idea.Humm still young grils with hormones power can have a sharp edge you know.Maybe those scary girls in your school do have that XD.
Humm ahha that's funny ,IT's like a wasssup thing from the buweiser campaing lol.IT's funny to chat with you on msn artic XD.
If I give them attitude I'd get suspended for even longer! Lmfao
What good advice ahaha
Like my friends? Whaaaaaattttt
We're not dangerous man. We're....cool. Ahaha no. But I wouldn't think we're dangerous.
We're like that group that's laughing most of the time and stuff. Yeah haha.
BUT there are some girls at school that do look dangerous omg and kinda scary too. That's not nice but...well. Haha
Alrighty. Added youuuu.
Oh my gosh though your email address is so funny to me. Haha
Does it mean anything? Like a nickname or something?
Sometimes I think the real cuteness is inside!
Just use some actitude Artic chan!
Humm that sounds like a great story,somehow I do imagine your group like a gang of dangerous girls haha.Humm maybe if you trow them a bait or something in what the can keep their evilness at and mean while you do ur stuff XD.
Hahaha it be cool to add you to msn and to chat artic chan!
Add me wassa_t@hotmail.com !!
Ahhhh I wish! I wish we could modify the uniforms a bit. But we can't. Blaaah. The girls at my school are like...you give them a centimeter and they take a mile. You know? So we'd never get to do that.
Wishful thinking though haha
No way man. I even use that high 5 emote over msn LOL
They're good, they're good.
Hummm I think you could save yourself making a cute look and using your cuteness to save you from going expelled.
Well imagine you could make your own uniform and just don't use the crapy one.OR maybe change some parts you don't like from it :3.You need to use artic imagination and it will work!
Somehow I do imagine you doing that all the time haha!
Haha hope it was helpfull (especially the detailed pencil description haha jk jk).
Oh hummm I wouln't say that it's like a pro guy with Camera skills XD.I guess it's a guy that knows the basics and does a good work(he works for a company thou).You could always say you are the hidden camera genious pro Artic chan XD.Hummm go on a riot and demand decent picture skills!
Don't worry ,you probably have it pasted so you won't loose it.Oh you even shared a picture ,how thoughtfull of you Artic chan.I don't have a great imagination lately so any help would be tremendous.Now that you say it there is room for making upgrades.If you don't like it just make it better yeah( lol beeing as lazy as I am the only upgrades I would do is to go with a guy that knows the stuff X_x).
Is that an upgrade?
*Big jump with arms extended!
I'm happy you think that way artic chan,thumbs up as well XD.
Ohh okay. You need a ticket to pick up the pictures? Like they hired someone professional to take the pictures? It's funny cuz now that I think about it, we didn't have anyone like that at my highschool graduation yet there is a dude like that every year at the school's awards ceremony. Hey school, that's not cool lol.
Oh that would be frustrating indeed. I'd probably cry haha
Until I found it and then I'd cry out of happiness.
Ahaha my uniform shirt (which we actually call a jacket) looks kinda like the girl in the middle's [Link] (With the 6 buttons)
Only mine is grey and it's not fitting haha
And the skirt is this ugly polyester thing lmao. Maybe I'll draw it for you if that doesn't make sense.
Lmao, that is does. Haha you're fun to talk to.
And I can actually hold a conversation with you! So -thumbs up-
Well I do write them with a pencil (haha joke joke).I mean I tell from what picture I learned the skill,then I write the name of the new skill(naming things does help).Then I write abit about the new skill like it's used on vectors .I got a little map of skills that tell me what area and level the skill belongs :3.That does help a lot.
Hummm it's more like my degree grad .So yeah it was a more official picture (thanks god).Oh just remeber I got to go and pick my grad picture.Thanks god you made me remember (Goes to look for the ticket).At last I found it , god imagine you lost your ticket to heaven, I bet it would be kinda frustrating.Haha your uniform sounds like fun XD.
Since we been talking for so long I guess I'm a decent person to chat with lol .So that sends me in the loved ones cat XD.
Lol but how do you write down how to draw stuff?
I have a little book where I write little tips and stuff that I thought I should remember at the time.
I think one of the notes in there, about anatomy is that the neck starts behind the ear. Something like that lol
Oh, wow you got to wear that? When I graduated (high school) we had to wear a gown almost like those blue ones, except it was cream and stopped below my knees. It was hideous lmao
My school uniform now looks better that it haha
Haha yeah me too.
I love those kinds of conversations that can just go on and on for hours(or comments in this case haha) about all sorts of different things. I love people I can hold some decent conversations with lol
It's great to do your notes Artic chan!
Sometimes you will just forget how to use certain skills and if you write them down you could remember how to use them.Sometimes I'm just to lazy but most of the time I tend to write them.
Haha this year I'm gona sleep but with my grad unifor that is very cool and fancy haha!Well humm it's kinda weird to wear something like that in middle summer!
I love summer!
Wow we surely had a long talk in this picture haha!
You've never been drawing something, that you just draw with ease and think, "Wow I remember when I couldn't do that."
Haha that's strange. I wonder if only I remember those things.
You made notes about what you couldn't draw? Ahaha
No worries. c:
Always? LOL
I never have dreams like that. Once I finish exams I always just sleep it off. Like last year, on the last day of exams I fell asleep watching tv. In my uniform too! Haha
Haha you got a pont there.
Hummm kinda don't remember much about not beeing able to draw,sometimes I read my notes and discover I was not very good at drawing characters haha.
Sorry I took so long to come and write you something Artic,I been doing so many things and kinda don't have a lot of free time lately.
Lol about that,once I finish the semester I always get this weird dream that I overslept in my house and didn't went to school.Then I remember I finished school like 2 weeks ago haha!
Good luck with the searching :3
Last edited by AngelBest Dream at 6:16:18 PM CDT on March 26, 2011.
Haha but then that wouldn't be fun.
I mean, it would be easy, no doubt, but then you wouldn't be able to tell stories like "Oh I remember when I couldn't draw hands." or "I remember trying to draw a dress like that. It was so hard for me back then!"
You know?
Ahaha we'd all be AMAZING if that were the case, man.
Haha wow 7 is A LOT. Ahaha one of my friends fell asleep in the Accounts exam. It wasn't even long.
I'd be so afraid to fall asleep in an exam, like what if I don't wake up in time? Haha
TD was a lot of fun until grade 11 when the teacher completely screwed it up for me. But dsf;sk
It was like, architecture. Like the basic stuff you'd have to know to be an architect.
Lol, let's hope indeed.
Hummm it will be cool if we could get better just by looking to a white paper.I be sure to have a bumch of them all ove rmy house,I be super talent in no time.Does snow count,just saying becuase you are artic wolf after all :3.
Humm inda had a 7 hrs one time,it's like a killing exams,I fell sleep at half of the exman mwhahaha. Just for 20 mins but it wa sa very very good rest.Wow tecnical drawing sound slike interesting stuff artic chan.
Let's just hope I don't have to do one like that again -_- .
X_x .
Art history is an interesting one , I hope you study something fun like that.
Haha nah. I think we can. Just practice. Those people didn't become the best by sitting down and looking at a blank paper. It won't happen overnight either. But yeah haha.
Oh wow that's a lot! Good luck answering them all.
Wow though, 5 hours is a long time. My longest exam was 3. Technical Drawing ahaha. 3 hours of bending over your paper LOL
Ahh that's alright. An exam like that must be tiring haha. It's cool.
I really don't know either.
I was looking at a university in New York and the Art History courses looked so interestingggggg. And I kinda wanted to do illustration but I kinda want to be able to get a job after, you know? Ahaha I'm still working on it.
Haha well we can't be like the best beeing so many persons with so much talent in the world rite ??
Sorry I took sooo long to answer,sometimes I have 120 commeents to answer and I'm like @_@. The other day I was reading your comment after my exam artic but I was kinda brainless after working for 5 hours.So the only things I was understanding was something like:
Guaaaaa yours not sooo faaaa duuuuudeeeee (You didn't even said something like that but I couldn't just concentrate into reading and giving it a meaning to the words ,also the fact that I needed to read my comment to make sense to the hole comment was tedious if you are having trouble to stay awake haha).
Ahhh what? No wsy man, I'd have to disagree with that lol
There's like a million other people who are way better than me. And I'm not too interested in that anyways.
But thank you so much! I really appreciate that haha
Oh, yeah.
I only have this year, and next year left~
It does? Thanks. Haha my scanner is so out of shape D:
Thank you very much!
Though that actually wasn't supposed to be either of them OTL;;
I realize now how much that girl looks like Lukah after Akioh told me on dA
It wasn't on purpose lol. I guess she's Lukah now though. But they were all supposed to be just random people haha ;;
Ahhh thank you! :D
And he's just some random rabbit dude haha. They were supposed to be a rabbit family or something lol
Oh that sounds so sweet artic ,I got a stone for that day X_x haha.
Hummm kinda sleep at school but I live on campus....
no comments.
Well kinda I can work in most everithing you could imagine.It's to bad thou because I didn't wanted to know all and seems the personal and teachers are convinced it would be for the best that I did X_x .
A full chocolate cake! Chocolate cake, chocolate icing LOL
I love chocolate so much. You know? Ahaha
Oh wow really? Mine start in May
I hope you do really well though. And good luck studying too.
May I ask what is it you're studying?
Wahooo drawing. I cannot wait for summer oh my god lol.
Yeah,happy to hear that ,what kind of birthday cake did you had?
I'm having exams this week but just after that goes art!
Yeah gona trow all my spirit into it :3.
It be fun and kinda have an idea.
Gona try to draw it and let's see how it goes XD .
Sometimes I take a bit to long because I really like to give a good picture,even thou sometimes it takes long for me to be happy with it.
Hope you did had a great bd ^_^.
Ahaha probably.
Oh wow really? That's so nice of you! ;A;
I really should draw you something too haha. ;;
I know I'm going to be drowning in schoolwork soon though lmfao
And thank you so much! <3
Aw, haha this isn't a very nice to be in. Especially when you have tests and stuff.
Well that's good. Good luck with all your work,though. You can do it!
Me too! I've started something small so maybe next week. Hopefully lol.
Hi Angel!
Haha I knoooww, I know. And thank you! :D
I have so much school work, no motivation to do it. Lol but I'm good otherwise.
What about you man?
Artic chan!!!
It's been so long I haven't been able to talk with you.Hope you are doing great because your art is and that prob states that you are also fine.
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/24/11 | Reply
Well that figures but the rest of the world is still in danger of the Danana group haha.Yeah I ment you are to kind to be in the evil group,but now you told me you are not kind and your friends ar enot evil,so you must be the evil Danana!
Lol maybe an indiferent Danana.
Like :
"Hi the group for rasta kids is asking for a donation"
Dannaana:Hummm that is indiferent for me :3.
Humm your state div sounds very hummm European haha!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/23/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
What? My friends wouldn't do anything evil to me. They're my friends. Haha
I'm actually not that nice of a person lol. I think you'd just have to know me irl but you know? I hiiiighly doubt I'm kind haha.
A parish is like a state. You know how the US has states? And I think Canada has Providences? Yeah we have parishes.
Oh goodness. I don't even know.
Nope. It's the best~ ohoho
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/22/11 | Reply
Haha yeah but it would be so worht it XD.Well you know how evil girls can be at that age,I'm happy you skipped the evil age Danana ,you are to kind to go in .Wow you got to explain me what is a Parish ,never heard the word before.
Did the rastas conquered a part of Paris?
Sometimes I have certain friends to do certain stuff :3.
It works!
Hahah old fashion tanning,never gets to rusty .
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/22/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Lmao they'd give me SUCH dirty looks.
I think the zoo in this other parish on the other side of the island is waaaay better than the one in my parish. So they'd be all "Nah let's go to that one." And never go haha
One day..
Yeah that's how we old fashioned people do it aha
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/21/11 | Reply
Humm that's the classic anti zoo actitude!
Tell them to cosplay animals and go inside the cages haha.I wonder how that would work out XD.I can see you convicing them ,it's actually fun once you are inside.
Hummm well maybe but I'm a fast runner haha!
O wow ,it's like a slow motion tanning ,so you can see yourself turning tan :3.
Indeed good stuff!
Hasta Fari!
Last edited by AngelBest Dream at 3:46:34 PM CDT on June 21, 2011.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/20/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Yeah. But they're going to be all "What is there to do at that zoo anyway?" And I'm going to have to be "WE'LL FIND SOMETHING COME ON YOU GUUYYYSSSSS."
They will come. Hahaha
I'm sure if any rasta heard you right now they would smack you lol
If I ever turn red or get burned, my skin just turns brown a couple days later. It's good stuff haha.
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/20/11 | Reply
Yeah artic!
Where is the adventure spirit Danana,you need to guide your friends into the adventure .Sinc eit's summer I always get into adventure mode.Lol well with that rasta hair it could take a bit for them to dry up,actually there should be a web page to tell how are rastas doing in their home land haha.
*You knwo witha bit of anime mood.
Yeah I went 5 times becuase once you go it's easier for your skin to get a tan.Before that I just turned red and then my skin would come of and then white again.
*so it was white red white stuff!
Hasta Fari!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/18/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Yeah I know what you mean.
Tired of being in the house. I want to drag my friends to zoo one day.
Oh gosh I'm going to do it LOL. Hopefully next weekend.
Oh no. Lol. I'm sure the rastas are all dry now.
Really? You've tried a tanning bed?
I'm good with sitting in the sun. Did it today. It was good. Oh yes.
The sun was so hot but so nice. lmao
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/18/11 | Reply
Hummm I thinking of going to one again soon,I just need a good party to travel you know.Kinda tired to be all day in the house ("not that I'm hare all the time,but in weekends I tend to you know live here).Hummm so the rastafaris are getting wet lately,how they dry up fats in the sun XD .
Humm well you could try a tanning bed but you must be carefull.I just used it like 5 times because it's risky to your health.
Hasta fari!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/13/11 | Reply
Thanks! c:
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/11/11 | Reply
oh i must say i like the coloring in this :3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/05/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Oh wow really?
I'm DYING to go to a good zoo. With lots of animals.
I actually just want to go to the zoo. Our crappy zoo will suffice.
LOL I wouldn't go THAT close to him, to make him eat me.
What is a pint tan? You mean like a spray tan? No way man.
I like natural tans. If it stopped raining maybe I could get one lol
Hasta fari
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/04/11 | Reply
Well I saw one in a zoo and it was sooo great.I stood looking at it for so long , agreat specie !Well in terms of a jaguar,a girl with cute hair ribbons I think you would look more like a decent meal Dannana XD.
Lol get a pint tan and then you be darker and you can say I'm now more Arab and stuff.Well maybe in the shape of the head you don't look that afar but in terms of the skin tone is all different XD.
Hasta fari!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/30/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
I see I see
A jaguar. I'd want to see a jaguar. Like in a zoo or something if I could. Or if I somehow stumble upon a jaguar in the wild. Cool.
Everytime you say jaguar I keep on thinking of the car though lol
Yeah it is lol. It's so annoying cuz I go outside and stuff sometimes and he's STILL darker than me.
Apparently we do. My friends tell me "Wow you guys look so different." Haha. But I don't think we look thaat different.
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/25/11 | Reply
Actually the (pantera onca) is a partucular specie of the 12 panters classes .We call that latin panther or jaguar,the (pantera pardus) lives in Africa and is called leopard,but all are panthers if there is to say .
jaguar wiki
Watch the picture of the jaguar ur gona love it.
Sorry needed to get that out.
BTW the jaguar is the ebst panter because it lives where I live rolf !
Wow artic,you do have magic hair,I want some :3 .
It's weird you got white tone and your bro skin is drarker ,you must look very different even thou hes your bro.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/24/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Haha yeah.
All that technology and stuff.
You mean a panther? I think those are black.
Ahaha no, I didn't get the black hair and bronze tone. My brother did =__=
He's a bit darker than me and my hair is...I don't know what colour it is haha. It looks dark brown but in the sun it looks reddish and light brown and gold. Something like that. Weird hair.
But my brother so lucky got the bronzey-olive skin tone. Bawww
Haha alrighty! Some days you will have.
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/22/11 | Reply
I like to think that with internet and good cameras you will be in close contact with your friends.Just going out will be the problem haha.
Well lions are fun ,kinda seen some of them and it's weird.I liked the jaguars and the pumas a lot more .There was a weird one in black that had like the ghost shading of a claer puma and it was just amazing.It's hard to exmplain but the texture awas there just in black.
Hummm you look that Arabic artic chan,you probably have black hair and a bit of bronce tone ,you would be surprised to know that in some places it's really exotic haha.
Well I think of a newer language to translate it artic chan :3.
Give me some days!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/19/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Yeah me too. One day this is all going to hit me and I'll be bawling like a baby lol
I don't look forward to that day ahaha
Yeah. I think so too. Thanks. :)
Haha. I want to see a real life lion.
Oh my gosh on my list I have one of my friends saying "Is curry goat sheep?" LOL When she said that we all diiiiied laughing.
Yeah they're having too much fun with it. One of my friends says it but it's getting a bit annoying. Like you're associating me with a terrorist. You know what I mean?
How can I pronounce that? I can't even read it! Ahaha
It's written in Hebrew. Lol. Titus it is.
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/19/11 | Reply
Goodbyes are always hard for me -_- I just go and do something random haha XD .Well I think those good friends will always be there for you artic chan.
Most of the time I do a lion roar or things like that.Making weird sounds is just something to fun XD .Hummm that list think is a great idea ,I did that with one friend and it was sooo fun.Lol the leader thing was so fun XD.
Lol ok gona saty with Danananaaa
Hummm well it's on ancient hebrew, but if you can pronounce it there you go , תרצה
It goes for city of kings , she is my delight (but haves a male translation also) ,hummm then at the latin and greek language took other meanings.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/16/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Haha I know
This was some of my friend's last year here. 2 of my best friends too. They're leaving me lmao. But we had fun. If you ever see how much we laughed! Omg haha
Ahaha yeah we do too. I have one friend who makes all these noises. I even have a list of stupid things my friends say on my phone LOL Some funny stuff.
Haha yeah. Cuz I'm half Lebanese they make lots of jokes. When bin Laden died they were all "DANA YOUR LEADER!" And I'm like "HE'S NOT MY LEADER" lmao good times
Haha not really. But sometimes I make a sheep noise. Baah. I like sheep.
Lol, no prob with that.
Oooh reaallllyyyy? What is iittt? I'm so curious now. But I'll call you Titus. Reminds me of Tidus lol
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/16/11 | Reply
It would be nice just to enjoy your time on that school part.It doens't return so get the best form it Artic chan XD .If I could go back to that time I would enjoy it 10 times more for sure :3.
I do play a buch of jokes with my friends,it's the best part.Sometimes I use my algel roar to scare poeple,jump over them ,trow things , make funny names, make wird stuff happen etc.So your group must be funny,I didn't knew you had so many arabic trains ,that's interesting :3.
Haha yeah it does,do you have a weird sound you make to bother ppl ?
Gona stay with Dananannana XD .
Humm my name is like 4000 years old so it's very hard to say,so call me titus that is very close XD.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/16/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
I think it would be good advice if it wasn't here. If what I see on tv is somewhat true, schooling systems in like, USA and Canada are so slack!
I wouldn't be able to get away with lots of the stuff they do up there lol
Haha, I think we're friendly. But we 'diss' each other a lot. Just playing around. But you know? We make jokes out of each other. They always make Arab jokes about me LOL it's funny
Lmao young girls. You make it seem like we're 13 or 14 haha
Oh! LMFAO that's funny. I like it though. It like...rolls off your tongue ahaha
One of my friends calls me like that too! Danananaaaa. Or they say Daaaayyyneeerr. Haha.
What's your name now Angel? Since you know mine?
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/15/11 | Reply
Haha well in sort some of way I could say it's a good advice.But really I want you to finish the school so don't do the dumb things I suggest haha XD.
That sounds very interesting,well I guess you are in the friendly group.Girl groupds are always a mystery for me.Kinda don't know what kind of logic follow the group idea.Humm still young grils with hormones power can have a sharp edge you know.Maybe those scary girls in your school do have that XD.
Humm ahha that's funny ,IT's like a wasssup thing from the buweiser campaing lol.IT's funny to chat with you on msn artic XD.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/06/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
If I give them attitude I'd get suspended for even longer! Lmfao
What good advice ahaha
Like my friends? Whaaaaaattttt
We're not dangerous man. We're....cool. Ahaha no. But I wouldn't think we're dangerous.
We're like that group that's laughing most of the time and stuff. Yeah haha.
BUT there are some girls at school that do look dangerous omg and kinda scary too. That's not nice but...well. Haha
Alrighty. Added youuuu.
Oh my gosh though your email address is so funny to me. Haha
Does it mean anything? Like a nickname or something?
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/06/11 | Reply
Sometimes I think the real cuteness is inside!
Just use some actitude Artic chan!
Humm that sounds like a great story,somehow I do imagine your group like a gang of dangerous girls haha.Humm maybe if you trow them a bait or something in what the can keep their evilness at and mean while you do ur stuff XD.
Hahaha it be cool to add you to msn and to chat artic chan!
Add me wassa_t@hotmail.com !!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/03/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Now if only I were cute.
Ahhhh I wish! I wish we could modify the uniforms a bit. But we can't. Blaaah. The girls at my school are like...you give them a centimeter and they take a mile. You know? So we'd never get to do that.
Wishful thinking though haha
No way man. I even use that high 5 emote over msn LOL
They're good, they're good.
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/03/11 | Reply
Hummm I think you could save yourself making a cute look and using your cuteness to save you from going expelled.
Well imagine you could make your own uniform and just don't use the crapy one.OR maybe change some parts you don't like from it :3.You need to use artic imagination and it will work!
Somehow I do imagine you doing that all the time haha!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/29/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Ahaha oh verrryyyy
Lmao, if I rioted, they'd suspend me ahahaha
Its all good
in the hoodIts all goodUpgrade my uniform? Lol I'm lost with that whole upgrades thing haha
Sorry e___e
Hahaha -high 5-.
I always find myself high fiving people.
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/26/11 | Reply
Haha hope it was helpfull (especially the detailed pencil description haha jk jk).
Oh hummm I wouln't say that it's like a pro guy with Camera skills XD.I guess it's a guy that knows the basics and does a good work(he works for a company thou).You could always say you are the hidden camera genious pro Artic chan XD.Hummm go on a riot and demand decent picture skills!
Don't worry ,you probably have it pasted so you won't loose it.Oh you even shared a picture ,how thoughtfull of you Artic chan.I don't have a great imagination lately so any help would be tremendous.Now that you say it there is room for making upgrades.If you don't like it just make it better yeah( lol beeing as lazy as I am the only upgrades I would do is to go with a guy that knows the stuff X_x).
Is that an upgrade?
*Big jump with arms extended!
I'm happy you think that way artic chan,thumbs up as well XD.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/23/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Oh I see, I see.
Makes sense lol
Ohh okay. You need a ticket to pick up the pictures? Like they hired someone professional to take the pictures? It's funny cuz now that I think about it, we didn't have anyone like that at my highschool graduation yet there is a dude like that every year at the school's awards ceremony. Hey school, that's not cool lol.
Oh that would be frustrating indeed. I'd probably cry haha
Until I found it and then I'd cry out of happiness.
Ahaha my uniform shirt (which we actually call a jacket) looks kinda like the girl in the middle's [Link] (With the 6 buttons)
Only mine is grey and it's not fitting haha
And the skirt is this ugly polyester thing lmao. Maybe I'll draw it for you if that doesn't make sense.
Lmao, that is does. Haha you're fun to talk to.
And I can actually hold a conversation with you! So -thumbs up-
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/21/11 | Reply
Well I do write them with a pencil (haha joke joke).I mean I tell from what picture I learned the skill,then I write the name of the new skill(naming things does help).Then I write abit about the new skill like it's used on vectors .I got a little map of skills that tell me what area and level the skill belongs :3.That does help a lot.
Hummm it's more like my degree grad .So yeah it was a more official picture (thanks god).Oh just remeber I got to go and pick my grad picture.Thanks god you made me remember (Goes to look for the ticket).At last I found it , god imagine you lost your ticket to heaven, I bet it would be kinda frustrating.Haha your uniform sounds like fun XD.
Since we been talking for so long I guess I'm a decent person to chat with lol .So that sends me in the loved ones cat XD.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/15/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Lol but how do you write down how to draw stuff?
I have a little book where I write little tips and stuff that I thought I should remember at the time.
I think one of the notes in there, about anatomy is that the neck starts behind the ear. Something like that lol
Oh, wow you got to wear that? When I graduated (high school) we had to wear a gown almost like those blue ones, except it was cream and stopped below my knees. It was hideous lmao
My school uniform now looks better that it haha
Haha yeah me too.
I love those kinds of conversations that can just go on and on for hours(or comments in this case haha) about all sorts of different things. I love people I can hold some decent conversations with lol
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/14/11 | Reply
Humm that sounds like the lazy meh :3 .
I also forget things if I don't practice,but writing them will help you to keep the knowledge.
Actually I used a uniform because I just graduated.It's kinda great to wear the clasic one you know,the long uniform with the small square hat haha.
It's fun to have the chance to chat for a long talk artic ,I have a lot of fun chatting :3.
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/14/11 | Reply
Humm that sounds like the lazy meh :3 .
I also forget things if I don't practice,but writing them will help you to keep the knowledge.
Actually I used a uniform because I just graduated.It's kinda great to wear the clasic one you know,the long uniform with the small square hat haha.
It's fun to have the chance to chat for a long talk artic ,I have a lot of fun chatting :3.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/10/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Really? Lol
I never write anything like that down. I think I'd forget just out of lack of practice.
Ahaha that sounds like a plan.
You mean my uniform? Or yours? LOL It would be.
Oh, me too. Except for when it's too hot. D:
I know right. Long, long conversation.
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/06/11 | Reply
It's great to do your notes Artic chan!
Sometimes you will just forget how to use certain skills and if you write them down you could remember how to use them.Sometimes I'm just to lazy but most of the time I tend to write them.
Haha this year I'm gona sleep but with my grad unifor that is very cool and fancy haha!Well humm it's kinda weird to wear something like that in middle summer!
I love summer!
Wow we surely had a long talk in this picture haha!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/26/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
You've never been drawing something, that you just draw with ease and think, "Wow I remember when I couldn't do that."
Haha that's strange. I wonder if only I remember those things.
You made notes about what you couldn't draw? Ahaha
No worries. c:
Always? LOL
I never have dreams like that. Once I finish exams I always just sleep it off. Like last year, on the last day of exams I fell asleep watching tv. In my uniform too! Haha
Thank you~:D
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/26/11 | Reply
Haha you got a pont there.
Hummm kinda don't remember much about not beeing able to draw,sometimes I read my notes and discover I was not very good at drawing characters haha.
Sorry I took so long to come and write you something Artic,I been doing so many things and kinda don't have a lot of free time lately.
Lol about that,once I finish the semester I always get this weird dream that I overslept in my house and didn't went to school.Then I remember I finished school like 2 weeks ago haha!
Good luck with the searching :3
Last edited by AngelBest Dream at 6:16:18 PM CDT on March 26, 2011.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/16/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Haha but then that wouldn't be fun.
I mean, it would be easy, no doubt, but then you wouldn't be able to tell stories like "Oh I remember when I couldn't draw hands." or "I remember trying to draw a dress like that. It was so hard for me back then!"
You know?
Ahaha we'd all be AMAZING if that were the case, man.
Haha wow 7 is A LOT. Ahaha one of my friends fell asleep in the Accounts exam. It wasn't even long.
I'd be so afraid to fall asleep in an exam, like what if I don't wake up in time? Haha
TD was a lot of fun until grade 11 when the teacher completely screwed it up for me. But dsf;sk
It was like, architecture. Like the basic stuff you'd have to know to be an architect.
Lol, let's hope indeed.
Yeah me too! Lol, I'm still searching
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/16/11 | Reply
Hummm it will be cool if we could get better just by looking to a white paper.I be sure to have a bumch of them all ove rmy house,I be super talent in no time.Does snow count,just saying becuase you are artic wolf after all :3.
Humm inda had a 7 hrs one time,it's like a killing exams,I fell sleep at half of the exman mwhahaha. Just for 20 mins but it wa sa very very good rest.Wow tecnical drawing sound slike interesting stuff artic chan.
Let's just hope I don't have to do one like that again -_- .
X_x .
Art history is an interesting one , I hope you study something fun like that.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/12/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Haha nah. I think we can. Just practice. Those people didn't become the best by sitting down and looking at a blank paper. It won't happen overnight either. But yeah haha.
Oh wow that's a lot! Good luck answering them all.
Wow though, 5 hours is a long time. My longest exam was 3. Technical Drawing ahaha. 3 hours of bending over your paper LOL
Ahh that's alright. An exam like that must be tiring haha. It's cool.
I really don't know either.
I was looking at a university in New York and the Art History courses looked so interestingggggg. And I kinda wanted to do illustration but I kinda want to be able to get a job after, you know? Ahaha I'm still working on it.
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/11/11 | Reply
Haha well we can't be like the best beeing so many persons with so much talent in the world rite ??
Sorry I took sooo long to answer,sometimes I have 120 commeents to answer and I'm like @_@. The other day I was reading your comment after my exam artic but I was kinda brainless after working for 5 hours.So the only things I was understanding was something like:
Guaaaaa yours not sooo faaaa duuuuudeeeee (You didn't even said something like that but I couldn't just concentrate into reading and giving it a meaning to the words ,also the fact that I needed to read my comment to make sense to the hole comment was tedious if you are having trouble to stay awake haha).
Humm wonder what will you study then???
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/04/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Oh ahaha.
That's convenient though
Ahhh what? No wsy man, I'd have to disagree with that lol
There's like a million other people who are way better than me. And I'm not too interested in that anyways.
But thank you so much! I really appreciate that haha
Oh, yeah.
I only have this year, and next year left~
And it's not a problem! C:
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/03/11 | Reply
Wow it's really an experience but I sleep at my house most of the time becase campus is 10 mins from my school haha!!!
Well you could study graphic design since you already have the skill.
It's just a great experience you will see.
Thanks for the kind comments!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/02/11 | Reply
Yeah it was haha
Nice and challenging~
It does? Thanks. Haha my scanner is so out of shape D:
Thank you very much!
Though that actually wasn't supposed to be either of them OTL;;
I realize now how much that girl looks like Lukah after Akioh told me on dA
It wasn't on purpose lol. I guess she's Lukah now though. But they were all supposed to be just random people haha ;;
Ahhh thank you! :D
And he's just some random rabbit dude haha. They were supposed to be a rabbit family or something lol
I'll try! Thanks! C:
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/01/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Haha yeah. She baked a bunch for everyone.
Ohhh. A stone. Was it a pretty stone? Lmfao. Cherish that stone man.
Oh, I see. So is living on campus fun?
I can't imagine living away from my family LOL But I think I'll most likely end up living on campus too.
I don't really know what I want to do either hhaha. I think I need to figure it out by the end of this year though ;A;
Wahoo! I really can't wait for summer haha
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/28/11 | Reply
Oh that sounds so sweet artic ,I got a stone for that day X_x haha.
Hummm kinda sleep at school but I live on campus....
no comments.
Well kinda I can work in most everithing you could imagine.It's to bad thou because I didn't wanted to know all and seems the personal and teachers are convinced it would be for the best that I did X_x .
Yeah but it's my last semester,I'm finally out!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/27/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Haha I do too.
Oooh Strawberry. For Valentine's Day my friend made strawberry cupcakes lol
Oh wow why would you stay at school for so long omg what
University right? You live on campus
Oh that sounds hard lol just from the name. So what kinda job can you get with that?
No prob! C:
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/26/11 | Reply
I do like chocolate cake!
I think I always choose that one or strawberry cake fufu.Sorry for the late reply,I been so busy !!!
Kinda stayed at school for 16 hours and then I was like a zombie or something weird.Still things have been doing ok.
Hummm I study Systems engineering X_x .
Thanks for all the kind words artic chan!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/21/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
A full chocolate cake! Chocolate cake, chocolate icing LOL
I love chocolate so much. You know? Ahaha
Oh wow really? Mine start in May
I hope you do really well though. And good luck studying too.
May I ask what is it you're studying?
Wahooo drawing. I cannot wait for summer oh my god lol.
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/21/11 | Reply
Yeah,happy to hear that ,what kind of birthday cake did you had?
I'm having exams this week but just after that goes art!
Yeah gona trow all my spirit into it :3.
*Thumbs up
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/20/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Oh haha alrighty man
Ohh yeaah I know that feeling. Put some time into it!
Thank you!
I actually had a really great one. c:
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/20/11 | Reply
It be fun and kinda have an idea.
Gona try to draw it and let's see how it goes XD .
Sometimes I take a bit to long because I really like to give a good picture,even thou sometimes it takes long for me to be happy with it.
Hope you did had a great bd ^_^.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/18/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Ahaha probably.
Oh wow really? That's so nice of you! ;A;
I really should draw you something too haha. ;;
I know I'm going to be drowning in schoolwork soon though lmfao
And thank you so much! <3
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/18/11 | Reply
Haha you are like me witht he planing.I also think sometimes in the future I will be able yo draw something.Just ot find out I will be more busy XD .
Happy to be able to chat Artic and happy birthday!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/16/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Aw, haha this isn't a very nice to be in. Especially when you have tests and stuff.
Well that's good. Good luck with all your work,though. You can do it!
Me too! I've started something small so maybe next week. Hopefully lol.
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/16/11 | Reply
Ha ha I'm about the same as you!
A bunch of work I really don't want to do T.T .
Well aside that things have been ok I guess.
Hope you do have a bit more time to submit more art,keep up the good work!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/16/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Hi Angel!
Haha I knoooww, I know. And thank you! :D
I have so much school work, no motivation to do it. Lol but I'm good otherwise.
What about you man?
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/16/11 | Reply
Artic chan!!!
It's been so long I haven't been able to talk with you.Hope you are doing great because your art is and that prob states that you are also fine.
*Good work!